Ajaib, meski seorang pria sudah tertancap pisau sepanjang 13 centimeter di dadanya, namun masih sempat memesan kopi dan mengeluh tentang cuaca dingin.
Pria berusia 52 tahun itu membuat panik pegawai kedai kopi di Warren, Michigan, Amerika Serikat. Pria yang tidak diketahui namanya itu mengaku baru saja menjadi korban perampokan.
Dia sempat berjalan sekira satu kilometer untuk mencari telepon umum untuk melaporkan kejadian yang menimpanya. Namun pada akhirnya dia masuk ke dalam Caffe Bray's dan duduk dengan tenangnya sambil memesan segelas kopi.
Selama di kedai, dia menelpon saluran darurat 911 untuk mengirim ambulans ke kedai. Dalam pembicaraan di telepun dia mengatakan "Saya duduk di (kedai kopi) Bray's, karena mereka ada kursi dan cuaca di luar dingin sekali," tuturnya.
Setelah tim medis tiba ke lokasi, pria itu langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk menjalani perawata.
The knife pierced though, Men Still ordered Coffee
MICHIGAN - Amazing, though a man was buried along the 13 centimeter knife at his chest, but still managed to order a coffee and complaining about the cold weather.
52-year-old man was making frantic coffee shop employees in Warren, Michigan, United States. An unknown man's name has just claim to be victims of robbery.
He had walked approximately a mile to find a pay phone to report what happened to him. But in the end he went into the Caffe Bray's and sat quietly as he ordered a glass of coffee.
While at the store, she called the emergency line 911 to send an ambulance to the stall. In talks in telepun he says "I'm sitting in (coffee shop) Bray's, because they have seats and cold weather outside once," he said.
After the medical team arrived to the scene, he was immediately taken to the hospital to undergo treatment.
Pria berusia 52 tahun itu membuat panik pegawai kedai kopi di Warren, Michigan, Amerika Serikat. Pria yang tidak diketahui namanya itu mengaku baru saja menjadi korban perampokan.
Dia sempat berjalan sekira satu kilometer untuk mencari telepon umum untuk melaporkan kejadian yang menimpanya. Namun pada akhirnya dia masuk ke dalam Caffe Bray's dan duduk dengan tenangnya sambil memesan segelas kopi.
Selama di kedai, dia menelpon saluran darurat 911 untuk mengirim ambulans ke kedai. Dalam pembicaraan di telepun dia mengatakan "Saya duduk di (kedai kopi) Bray's, karena mereka ada kursi dan cuaca di luar dingin sekali," tuturnya.
Setelah tim medis tiba ke lokasi, pria itu langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk menjalani perawata.
The knife pierced though, Men Still ordered Coffee
MICHIGAN - Amazing, though a man was buried along the 13 centimeter knife at his chest, but still managed to order a coffee and complaining about the cold weather.
52-year-old man was making frantic coffee shop employees in Warren, Michigan, United States. An unknown man's name has just claim to be victims of robbery.
He had walked approximately a mile to find a pay phone to report what happened to him. But in the end he went into the Caffe Bray's and sat quietly as he ordered a glass of coffee.
While at the store, she called the emergency line 911 to send an ambulance to the stall. In talks in telepun he says "I'm sitting in (coffee shop) Bray's, because they have seats and cold weather outside once," he said.
After the medical team arrived to the scene, he was immediately taken to the hospital to undergo treatment.